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Woodcock Hill Primary School

Motivate, Educate, Achieve

Year 2

Mrs Shannon, Mrs Charles and Mrs Meddings would like to welcome you to our Year 2 class page.


We strive to work hard and do our best

but also have lots of fun!


Autumn Ones topic is called 'Street Detectives'


In this topic we will learn about the local area and go for a walk to look at different types of land use. We will follow and draw maps and look at aerial photographs. We will learn about materials and what things are made of. We will also explore what houses are made of. 



Autumn Twos topic is called 'Beat Band Boogie'


In this topic we will learn about music and we will listen to music our Parents and Grandparents listened to. We will be identifying and classifying sounds and taking part in simple experiments. We will be making our own musical instruments out of recycled materials.

Our topic in Spring One is called topic  'Land Ahoy!'

In this topic we will learn about some famous explorers like Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong. We will find out about some real Pirates. We will find and name the continents and oceans. We will explore materials that float and sink and design and make a boat.

In Spring Two our topic is called 'Scented Garden'


In this topic we will be going on a walk around the school grounds to look for flowers and plants. We will be growing some flowers and vegetables and finding out what plants need to grow. We will also be finding out what it is like to live in Japan.



Our topic in Summer One is called Wriggle and Crawl.


In this topic we will hunt for mini-beasts and learn about their characteristics and habitats. We will learn about their life cycles. We will compare life in the UK with Australia and find out about Steve Irwin. 

Summer Twos topic is called 'Beachcombers'


In this topic we will learn what it was like at the seaside in the olden days. We will learn about the basic needs of humans and animals. We will also be exploring sea scapes and beach art. 

Please help your child read and spell the common exception words in these lists. Thank you.

Since we are encouraging pupils to use the internet more than ever for home learning we must, as adults, try to ensure they remain safe online. We encourage you to monitor their internet use regularly and carefully. If you would like any more information about this then visit the Parent Tab on our homepage.

Home Learning

In the event of a school closure, the following resources are provided so that learning can continue at home.


Home Learning grids
