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Woodcock Hill Primary School

Motivate, Educate, Achieve

School Day

Our School Day



Changes from January 2023

In a bid to harmonise timings across the school, lunchtime will change from January 2023 and the longer afternoon session will have a short ‘break’. The school day for all classes will be as follows:


8.55am            Registration

9.00am            Assembly or Class Assembly/Activity

9.30am            Session One

10.30am          Morning Break

10.45am          Session Two

12.00pm          Lunch

1.00pm            Session Three

2.00pm            Brain Break/Afternoon Break

2.10pm            Session Four

3.10pm            End of School Day



Changes from September 2023

From September 2023, the start and end of our school day will change. The changes were agreed by Governors on 6th December 2022 and are as follows:


8.55am            Registration

9.00am            Assembly or Class Assembly/Activity

9.30am            Session One

10.30am          Morning Break

10.45am          Session Two

12.00pm          Lunch

1.00pm            Session Three

2.00pm            Brain Break/Afternoon Break

2.10pm            Session Four

3.20pm            End of School Day EYFS

3.25pm            End of School Day KS1 & KS2
