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Woodcock Hill Primary School

Motivate, Educate, Achieve

Behaviour Policy Statement


The children of Woodcock Hill Primary School behave very well for most of the time and meet the high expectations of behaviour set.



We work to ensure a well-educated, healthy, happy future for all by:

  • Teaching a broad and balanced curriculum
  • A commitment to raising standards;
  • Setting challenging targets
  • Supporting children & their families in their efforts to fulfil their potential



At Woodcock Hill Primary School we aim to:

  • Provide a safe, secure, caring and positive learning environment, which gives each pupil the opportunity to achieve their best.
  • Educate each pupil through a broadly based and appropriate curriculum.
  • See each pupil as an individual. We will help each pupil achieve by meeting their individual needs.
  • Provide a range of motivational experiences and opportunities which raise self-esteem and create success.
  • Equip pupils with personal skills to help them make decisions and take responsibility for their own actions.
  • Prepare pupils for a life in society. We will encourage pupils to respect others from different backgrounds.
  • Seek a home / School partnership which involves parents as fully as possible in the education of their children



  • This is our School and we look after it and the people inside it.
  • We are considerate, caring and tolerant of each other.
  • We treat others as we want them to treat us.
  • We treat other peoples' property carefully.
  • We accept responsibility for our own behaviour.



Adults - teaching and non-teaching:

  • To be a role-model
  • To have high expectations of themselves and the children
  • To emphasise and reward positive behaviour
  • To respond to and deal with unacceptable behaviour in a firm and consistent manner
  • To involve and inform parents of all aspects of this policy



  • To understand that they are a valued part of the community
  • To understand their role
  • To discuss and share what constitutes acceptable behaviour. To understand and know what is acceptable behaviour
  • To be responsible for behaving in an appropriate manner


Behaviour within the School

  • We act courteously and responsibly towards all members of the school.
  • We show respect for people and property.
  • We move around the School with care and consideration for the buildings and for the people in them
  • We remember our own responsibilities towards each other. We recognise our own achievements as well as everybody else's.


Rewards for Good Behaviour and Effort

Positive behaviour is promoted and encouraged through praise and positive feedback.



Disciplinary sanctions are considered within the context of this policy and the relevant guidelines on pupil behaviour.

Parents will automatically be informed in cases of persistent rule-breaking or serious misdemeanours that involve their child.

If a pupil is persistent in producing unacceptable behaviour it may be necessary to:

  • issue a formal warning
  • impose a fixed term exclusion
  • impose a permanent exclusion


The Head Teacher has the power to exclude pupils either permanently or for a fixed period for persistent or serious misbehaviour. Parents will be informed in writing of any decision that is made to exclude their child including the relevant procedures, their right to representation etc.



Bullying - the dominance of one pupil by another, or a group of others, is completely unacceptable and will be treated seriously.

Staff are alert to signs of bullying and act promptly (see Bullying Policy). Pupils should feel able to inform a member of staff in confidence, and be sure that all allegations will be investigated. If true, then they must be taken seriously and acted upon


Our full Behaviour Policy can be located on our Policies page. Please click the link below.
