COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information
Information for parents and guardians about COVID-19 vaccination for at risk 5 to 11 year olds.
Information regarding Covid-19 Vaccinations for 5-7 year olds in Birmingham and Solihull
Information for school and parents (please use in newsletters, bulletins and on websites)
- Why is my child being offered the COVID-19 vaccination?
For decades, vaccinations have protected our children and young people from potentially serious diseases, including measles, mumps, rubella, flu, polio, tetanus and meningitis.
By the time they leave school, a child will typically have been offered vaccinations against 18 different diseases or infections – the COVID-19 vaccine is one more vaccine that children will soon be able to have to protect them from illness.
We all want to get back to normal – we want our children to go to school, do the things they love and catch up on lost time spent time with family and friends. But COVID-19 is still active and causing some children to miss out on their education and things they enjoy.
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation recommends that 5-11 year olds be offered the vaccine, which has been approved by the UK’s medicines regulator, to boost immunity and increase their protection against any future waves of COVID-19.
The COVID-19 vaccine is already making a big difference to help protect us all. The vaccine does not remove the virus, but research and experience in countries around the world shows it can prevent the worst effects of COVID-19 and reduce the risk of infection to your child and those around them.
- How do I get my child vaccinated?
From Monday 4 April, parents/legal guardians will be able to have their child vaccinated at a site and time convenient for them – at a local vaccination centre, community pharmacy or a GP practice offering vaccinations for this age group.
From Saturday 2 April, parents/guardians can book an appointment through the National Booking Service or by calling 119.
The NHS will write to all parents/guardians of children aged 5-11 about this, over the next month, with more information about the vaccination programme.
Please be aware that only a parent or legal guardian can take their child for a COVID-19 vaccination.
- What vaccination will my child be given?
Children aged 5-11 with no other underlying health conditions will be offered two paediatric (child) doses of the Pfizer vaccine, with at least 12 weeks between doses. A paediatric dose is smaller than doses given to those aged 12 and over.
If a child has had COVID-19 they will still get extra protection from the vaccine, but they will need to wait 12 weeks before getting vaccinated.
- Children who have recently tested positive for COVID-19:
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) recommend:
- Children aged 5 to 11 years will need to wait for 12 weeks following a positive test for COVID-19, before having their first or second COVID-19 vaccination;
- Children aged 5 to 11 years who are at increased risk, should wait 4 weeks (28 days) from a positive test result, before having their vaccine.
Example text message to send to parents / example social media post
It's time for your child's next vaccine. You can book your child’s COVID-19 vaccine from 2 April, via the NHS website, or call 119. Getting your child vaccinated will boost their immunity and keep them doing the things they love.
Further information
There is more information about the COVID-19 vaccination for 5 to 11 year olds available here:
Updated COVID-19 Risk Assessment - December, 2021
Department for Education Update.
Please see the letter below re changes to contact tracing in education and childcare settings
Changes to Contact Tracing in Education and Childcare Settings
New DfE website for parents to help their children catch-up
The department has launched an information site for parents, to support children of all age ranges and abilities catch up on lost learning from the pandemic. The site features advice and support for parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), as well as programmes, resources and activities for children and young people this summer.
Further information can be found on the education catch-up for your child homepage.
Updated COVID-19 Risk Assessment
WHPSv13 - July, 2021
DfE Update to guidance for Parents and Carers ahead of Step 4 of the roadmap
The DfE have published new guidance ahead of Step 4, covering both the summer period and the following term, when children will return to school.
Pupils developing COVID-19 symptoms on Saturday 29th or Sunday 30th May '21
and take a test:
1.If your child's COVID-19 test result is positive, and you receive this result any
time up to and including 30th May please email us using giving:
- your child's full name and class
- the last day that they were in school
- the date they began displaying symptoms
- the date of their test
- a contact telephone number for you
The school email address will be checked once a day and a member of staff from Woodcock Hill may contact you to ask for further details or clarification.
2. Pupils developing COVID-19 symptoms from 00:01am Monday 31st May onwards and who subsequently test positive – parents/guardians do not need to inform us but should follow the NHS Track and Trace instructions.
Covid-19 Whitsun '21
Pupils developing COVID-19 symptoms on Thursday 1st April or Friday 2nd April
and take a test:
1.If your child's COVID-19 test result is positive, and you receive this result any
time up to and including 2nd April please email us using giving:
- your child's full name and class
- the last day that they were in school
- the date they began displaying symptoms
- the date of their test
- a contact telephone number for you
The school email address will be checked once a day and a member of staff from Woodcock Hill may contact you to ask for further details or clarification.
2. Pupils developing COVID-19 symptoms from 00:01am Saturday 3rd April onwards and who subsequently test positive – parents/guardians do not need to inform us but should follow the NHS Track and Trace instructions.
COVID-19 Testing (Easter '21)
Free School Meal Vouchers - Easter Holiday 2021
For those eligible for benefit related Free School Meals, you will shortly receive your cheque number and code to claim a supermarket voucher. Vouchers will be issued for £30 per child (£15 per week for the two week holiday).
Please see the guidance below on how to claim your voucher from:-
Free School Meal Voucher Guidance - Easter 2021
Return to School Safely - Dr. J Varney
Please see the letter below from Dr. J Varney regarding the return to school.
Return to School Safely Letter
Bereavement Support for Children, Young People and Families
The NHS in Birmingham is offering confidential bereavement support to help children, young people and families who may be grieving the loss of a friend or loved one. At the moment, many people are cut off from their usual support networks so it is important to know that help is available if needed. Local bereavement experts are available to offer support due to all types of loss and to people of all ages.
Simply call 0121 687 8010 for instant support. The telephone opening hours are:
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
- Tuesday, Thursday: 9.00am - 8.00pm
- Saturday and Sunday: 12.00pm - 5.00pm
Assistance can also be accessed via email at:
DfE update to guidance for parents
The DfE have updated their guidance on what parents need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges during COVID-19. The guidance now includes information on returning to boarding school from overseas, including arrangements for pupils to quarantine on arrival in the UK. It also provides additional information to support parents considering elective home education for their child.
The DfE have also published a collection of guidance providing information for parents and carers of children attending early years settings, schools and colleges during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
This collection brings together information and guidance for parents on:
DfE updated guidance for parents and carers of children attending out-of-school settings
The DfE have updated their guidance for parents and carers of children attending out-of-school settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak to include a section on asymptomatic coronavirus (COVID-19) testing. This section provides information on how members of a household, childcare or support bubble of a primary or secondary-age pupil or college student can access twice-weekly testing.
COVID-19 Risk Assessment v12.1 (March, 2021)
Local Outbreak Plan - Covid-19
Birmingham City Council have released a Local Outbreak Plan to help manage any potential sporadic Covid-19 surges in the region.
The Government instructed all local authorities to devise plans to manage an outbreak which could see schools, businesses or workplaces closed and local lockdown enforced if infection rates were to spike.
Birmingham’s City Council’s Covid-19 Outbreak Control Plan outlines how local knowledge, experience and expertise will be used, to prevent outbreaks and manage the virus over time, as part of the national Test and Trace programme.
The draft plan was approved through the Local Outbreak Engagement Board, a sub-group of the Health and Wellbeing Board, on the 24 June and then approved through delegated chair’s action on the 29 June.
The plan will be reviewed on a regular basis by the Local Outbreak Engagement Board.
DfE Information on asymptomatic testing for parents and adults in households with children at school
NHS Test and Trace announced earlier this week, that all adults in households with school and college age children without symptoms can now access regular rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) testing.
Test kits can either be collected or ordered online, as set out below. Test kits are not available from schools.
The information below will help answer any questions.
Undertaking regular, rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) testing helps reduce transmission of the virus. Parents and other adults in households with children at school or college, who do not have symptoms, can now access regular, rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) testing. This includes childcare and support bubbles.
Tests are fast, easy and completely free. There are different ways for a household, childcare or support bubble to collect their test to take at home, twice-weekly:
If you have any queries about the tests, and you live in England, please call 119 (free from mobiles and landlines). Lines are open every day from 7am to 11pm.
Children of primary school age (and below) without symptoms are not being asked to take a test.
Testing is voluntary, but strongly recommended to all who are eligible. Alongside the vaccine, washing hands, wearing face coverings, and maintaining social distancing, rapid testing plays a vital role in reducing transmission rates. Getting into the habit of regular testing as part of our everyday lives will help us all to play our part and do what we can to protect each other.
Eyes Open Campaign - Raising Awareness about "County Lines"
Eyes open is a campaign funded by West Midlands Police and Violence Reduction Unit looking at county lines awareness raising in particular areas such as Lozells and Sparkbrook.
The campaign aims to warn how drugs gangs are grooming children in Birmingham and urging everyone to be alert to the signs that young people are at risk. Information for children, their families, parents, carers and professionals is available at
Wellbeing for Education Return - resources for parents and carers
Specific resources (including links) to support you that can be accessed now are:
- A Short film from Birmingham Children’s Partnership (40 seconds!) for parents highlighting support available
- A 2-hour video aimed at equipping adults and teenagers with resilience building skills
- eBooks per relevant age group (adults & teens / children / young children
- A printout with resilience building tips to be used as a quick resource for families to refer to
- Access for Birmingham parents to a "Start Building Resilience Community Package" (a FRIENDS for Life programme: to help their children better manage their feelings, develop more helpful thinking leading to a greater sense of wellbeing during the pandemic recovery phase. Interested parents can find out how to access this package from either the BEP website ( or the Educational Psychology Service section of the BESS website EPS .
From Birmingham with Love
We’ve all been through a tough time with Covid-19 and lockdown.
The following organisations have partnered to provide services and support, which might make life a little bit easier...
Birmingham Children’s Partnership includes: Birmingham City Council, Birmingham Children’s Trust, Birmingham and Solihull Clinical Commissioning Group, Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, West Midlands Police and Birmingham Voluntary Sector Council.
The information shared on these pages is also available as a download PDF and translated in different languages.

COVID-19 Update - 27th February, 2021 - Letter to Parents & Carers about Full Re-Opening on 8th March, 2021
Head Teacher's Letter to Parents and Carers - 12th February, 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We do hope you are all safe and well and managing to keep your spirits up during these very challenging times. As we rapidly approach the end of the first half of the Spring Term, I write on behalf of all the Woodcock Hill staff to wish you all, in spite of current restrictions, an enjoyable, relaxing break and at least a rest from home learning during half term.
We do understand the challenges of home schooling - many of our staff are parents themselves - and we fully realise the pressures this creates. We think you have done an amazing job in supporting your children with their school work - no matter how much you have managed to get through, we know you have done your best and that's what counts. We congratulate your efforts and sincerely thank you.
We know our pupils are missing school and their friends as much as we are missing them! We have done what we can in the circumstances to support our families and to keep in contact with pupils either via email, phone or Zoom. Please do keep checking the school website and the Parents' section which signposts various avenues of further support should you need it.
We will reopen to critical worker/vulnerable pupils after half term on Monday 22 February. As yet, we have no further information about what will happen on March 8th or when schools will fully reopen but we remain hopeful that we will soon have all our pupils back in school. You can be sure that as soon as we know when we can reopen to more pupils we will contact you. We all miss our pupils and our regular school routine and very much look forward to a full return in the very near future.
We know many of you will be concerned about the loss of learning caused by school closures but please try not to worry. We have a comprehensive catch up programme planned and we will ensure pupils make up for any lost school time as quickly as possible. Children are amazing in their resilience and we have every confidence that our pupils will soon be back on track.
We would like to thank you for your engagement with us and for the positive responses and comments we have received which have been very much appreciated by all the staff.
Until we are all back together again and school reopens, please accept our very best wishes to you and your children. We look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Take care and keep safe.
Mrs.Kitaratzis and all the Woodcock Hill Team.
Support available from Birmingham Children's Partnership
Message from Public Health Birmingham - Webinars for parents and carers
The coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is our best defence against the virus. The vaccine is highly effective and it is currently being rolled out across Birmingham to priority groups. Throughout February 2021 there will be five online Q&A sessions which will allow the public to ask any questions they may have about the vaccination. On the panel will be the Birmingham & Solihull Clinical Commissioning Group, local representatives and Councillor Paulette Hamilton, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care.
It is strongly recommended that people attend the session that is relevant to where they live, as some of the information in the webinar will be localised:
4th February at 6pm-7.30pm. North Birmingham
9th February at 6pm-7.30pm. South Birmingham
11th February at 6pm-7.30pm. East Birmingham
24th February at 6pm-7.30pm. West Birmingham
25th February at 6pm-7.30pm. Central Birmingham
Information and advice for parents of pupils with Special Needs
Free School Meal eVoucher
For those eligible for benefit related free School meals, evouchers have been ordered and despatched for the four week period 18th January ‘21 - 12th February ‘21. Please check your emails and contact the School Office if not received. Evouchers are £15 per child for four weeks. To redeem the evoucher follow the link
Free School Meal eVoucher Guidance
Support for parents and carers
Please see the letter below for information about support available for parents and carers during the lockdown. If you need any further advice on who to contact, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Parental Guidance on Remote Learning
Christmas Holiday - COVID-19 contact information
Support available over the Christmas holidays
If you require any support or advice over the Christmas holiday period, please contact one of the services below:
- Urgent mental health help line: ring 0121 262 3555 for advice and support. This line is available 24 hours, 7 days a week and can be used whether you are known to the service or not.
- Foodbanks:
- Domestic Violence: Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid
Helpline: 0808 800 0028. Open 7 days a week 9.15am – 5.15pm (closed bank holidays) - Finally, a reminder that there is a lot of other early help in the city for all young people and families. Click here for see a whole range of offers: Birmingham Children’s Partnership - Resources | Birmingham Children’s Partnership - Resources | Birmingham City Council
Free School Meal Vouchers - Christmas Holiday
Please see the guidance notes below on how to redeem your evouchers.
Free School Meal Evoucher - Guidance Notes
Updated Government guidance for parents and carers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Please click on the text highlighted in yellow (below) to see the updated guidance:
We have updated our guidance for parents and carers to reflect the end of National Restrictions on 2 December and how these settings should operate under the local restriction tiers.
We have updated our guidance on what parents and carers need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges to clarify the position under the local restriction tiers for:
We have updated our guidance for parents and carers of children attending out-of-school settings to clarify the position under the local restriction tiers for:
Update 20th November, 2020 - THANK YOU! Letter
Please see the letter (below) that has been sent home this evening
Updated COVID-19 Risk Assessment - 20th November, 2020
Please see the document below:
Updated Guidance for Parents and Carers
The DfE have updated their guidance for parents and carers on what they need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. This update provides information on the national restrictions that came into force on 5 November, the latest advice for clinically extremely vulnerable children and young people and advice on the use of face coverings in education settings.
From Birmingham with Love
A reminder that there is a lot of other early help in the city for all young people and families. Please check this link From Birmingham with Love which contains details of help available to families. The pack includes a voucher worth £86 for parenting support, online mental health support and advice and guidance about food banks and money.
November, 2019 Letter
COVID-19 High Alert Poster
Birmingham City Council Drop off & Collect Service
Birmingham City Council has launched a new drop and collect service to provide citizens an easier opportunity to get tested for coronavirus.
Due to a recent rise in the number of cases in the city and Birmingham being placed on the national watchlist, the Council is actively testing local households to prevent the spread of the virus.
Staff from across the Council, NHS and wider public sector have volunteered to take part in this effort to increase access to testing in our city. The teams will be visiting households in different areas of the city to offer the test kits on the doorstep, even for those without symptoms, to support more testing.
Testing is completely free and once dropped off, a volunteer will come back and pick up the completed kit within the next hour.
The test involves taking a swab of the inside of your nose and the back of your throat, using a long cotton bud. You can do the swab yourself; and can also do it for children or other people in the house who are unable to do it themselves.
As alternatives, Birmingham residents are also still encouraged to book appointments at local test sites or order kits online.
New testing sites have opened at Saltley Health & Wellbeing Centre, Brewery Street Coach Park and Osler Street, Ladywood.
Anyone who requires an immediate test should request a test online or by ringing 119. When an appointment is booked, individuals will be provided with guidance on getting to and from the test site safely and additional support will be provided vulnerable groups and people with disabilities.
Councillor Paulette Hamilton, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, said, “Free and accessible testing is vital to the success of the NHS Test and Trace service and the country’s overall efforts of stopping the spread of Covid-19.
“More availability to testing gives anyone the opportunity to determine if they have the virus and whether they are safe to return to work or continue doing activities they enjoy outside their home.
“People need to remember that the virus has not gone away and that we need to remain vigilant by getting tested once symptoms occur.
“I’d also urge people to keep doing the basics to keep our infection rate down – wash your hands frequently, keep 2m apart whenever possible and wear face coverings where appropriate.”
As a reminder, the symptoms of coronavirus are:
- A new and continuous cough
- A high temperature
- A change in, or loss of, your usual sense of taste or smell.
#YouveBeenMissed parents’ webinar
The #YouveBeenMissed campaign brings together the expertise of the Forward Thinking Birmingham mental health service, the City Council and Birmingham Education Partnership to bring resources, advice and activities that can be really helpful for parents and carers. The next in the series of free webinars for parents and carers is taking place on Friday 15th October with a later start time of 7.30pm. Hosted by Lydia from the specialist STICK mental health team, it will offer practical tips on self-care. Families can find out more and book places at
NHS Advice on When to Get a Test
Parent Telephone Support Line
NHS Test and Trace COVID-19 app – resources for schools, parents and young people
Today, NHS Test and Trace has launched the NHS COVID-19 app. The app has been launched to help control the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). It will do this by alerting people who may have been exposed to infection so that they can take action.
The app is available to download on smartphones for anyone aged 16 or over. This means that some students in year 11, students in years 12, 13 and in further education colleges will be eligible to use the app and benefit from its features. In addition to the guidance for schools and further education colleges which we published yesterday, NHS Test and Trace has published guidance and resources to support the use of the app which are available to download.
NHS Test and Trace
Please see the letter below regarding COVID-19 testing.
Letter to Parents/Guardians from NHS Track and Trace
Public Health England launches Every Mind Matters campaign
Most families have experienced upheaval in their daily lives during the pandemic. With children and young people now back at school or college, the new Public Health England (PHE) Better Health – Every Mind Matters campaign provides NHS-endorsed tips and advice to help children and young people’s mental wellbeing, and equip parents and carers with the knowledge to support them.
The new advice available on the Every Mind Matters website has been developed in partnership with leading children and young people’s mental health charities, including Young Minds, The Mix, Place2Be and The Anna Freud Centre. It is designed to help parents and carers spot the signs that children may be struggling with their mental health and support them, and also provides advice that can help maintain good mental wellbeing. The site also provides tools to help young people build resilience and equips them to look after their mental wellbeing.
COVID-19 Update 3rd September, 2020 - Birmingham City Council letter to Parents/Carers
How to get to school safely
Dear Parents/Guardians,
You will be aware that it is the Government's plan that all year groups will return to school full time in September and that attendance is mandatory from the start of the Autumn Term.
We are delighted to be able to welcome back to school all pupils in all classes. The first day of school for pupils will be Thursday 3rd September. In order to reduce numbers on site at any one time we have organised staggered start and end times as follows:
Year 6 & Year 2 -
8:45 - 3:00pm
Year 4 & Year 1
8:55 - 3:10pm
Year 5, Year 3 and Reception
9:05 - 3:20pm
We have sent out a text message with these timings on for your convenience.
Where there are several children in one family please arrive at the earliest time and drop pupils off at their classes, where teachers will be waiting for them. At the end of the day, please collect your children at the latest time e.g. If you have a child in Year 6 and Year 1 please bring both children at 8.45a.m. and collect them at 3.10p.m. There is no need to make more than one journey to or from school or to wait on site.
We would politely ask you to adhere strictly to the timings and observe social distancing whilst on site, as this will help to keep everyone safe. Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 parents should take their pupils to classes via the car park entrance (If you have a Year 3 child with junior siblings it is perfectly acceptable to use the junior path). Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 should follow the junior path.
If you are waiting for pupils at any point, parents of Years 1 and 2 should wait on the Infant playground. Year 3 parents should wait on the middle playground (by the car park) and parents of pupils in Year 4 should wait by the Trim Trail and Year 5 and Year 6 should wait on the junior playground. This is to allow for social distancing of adults. Please do not enter classrooms/cloakrooms or go beyond the wooden fences around the classrooms. Staff will be outside and available to assist you.
We fully understand that parents will have concerns about sending their children back to school and we would like to reassure you that we will be taking every possible precaution to keep everyone safe. We have followed all guidelines from the Government, the City Council and Public Health England. We have implemented strict protective measures and undertaken a detailed revised Risk Assessment which is on the website for you to read.
We know that you will want to help us maintain control measures and minimise any risk, so we would politely ask you to follow the guidance below:
*Please adhere strictly to the staggered times to avoid "pinch points".
*Only use the main school entrance on Farwood Road.
*If children need accompanying to school only one parent should attend.
*Pupils will enter and leave through their usual classroom door - please wait in the areas stated above.
*Under no circumstances should anyone come into school who is displaying symptoms.
*Pupils should wear clean uniform and have a lunch box (if bringing their own lunch).
*P.E. kit should be worn to school on pupil's P.E. day (details have been sent via Groupcall messenger and are also on the website).
*Pupils will be provided with a new pencil case each containing all the equipment they need, so please do not send pupils with pencil cases or other toys.
*Morning snacks and drinks will be free for at least the first half term so pupils will not need any money in school.
*Please ensure that your child has their own water bottle - this is particularly important.
*Adults should avoid gathering in the reception area of the school and should adhere to social distancing rules.
*For those who pay, dinner money should be placed in the green box in reception, in a labelled envelope with the pupils name clearly written.
*Initially there will not be a breakfast club or after school clubs, as we need to ensure they can be run in line with wider guidance on protective measures. We will be reviewing this in mid September and will keep you informed.
*We will be maintaining the raft of safety measures we implemented in June (please see Safety Measures for Pupils and Staff, 22nd May which is on the website) and in order to keep pupils safe they will be working and playing in class "bubbles" so as to minimise the number of contacts pupils have during the day. Breaks and lunches will be staggered and pupils will remain in their class bubbles.
*We have been asked to remind parents to only use the Government's recommended modes of transport and to walk to school if possible. Please do adhere to social distancing in the areas immediately outside school and help us to keep everyone safe.
*Please note that Public Health England "does not recommend the use of face coverings in schools. They are not required in schools as pupils and staff are mixing in consistent groups and because misuse may inadvertently increase the risk of transmission". This refers to pupils and staff in school. Parents may of course wear masks on site if they wish.
*We will be maintaining an enhanced cleaning regime in school which will involve a detailed schedule and additional daily cleaning hours. All pupil equipment will be sanitised and any books will be left for 72 hours before being reused.
*Please do read the revised Risk Assessment if you require further information on how we are minimising risk and maintaining strict hygiene measures, as well as the useful information contained in the #back to backtoschoolsafely Campaign .
*We will continue to provide an ambitious and broad curriculum in all subjects for all pupils and we will ensure that any gaps in learning are addressed. There will be slight changes to music, P.E. and computing to ensure these can be delivered as safely as possible.
* Pupils starting in Reception will be receiving separate communications with all the necessary details.
We hope that the information above will help Parents/Guardians in navigating the school safely and in helping us ensure that our school is a safe place to be.
We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday 3rd September.
Very best wishes,
Mrs H J Kitaratzis.
Head Teacher
September 2020 Risk Assessment
Launch of the #backtoschoolsafely campaign
The DfE have launched their #backtoschoolsafely campaign to reassure parents and students that schools and colleges are ready for their return in September.
This is part of the Government’s wider Stay Alert campaign. You will see newspaper and billboard advertising from today, with radio and digital adverts from Monday 24 August, which will run until early September, alongside wider engagement with the teaching profession and local communities.
The latest statistics from the Office for National Statistics show there is growing confidence among parents that their children will return to school in September, testament to the hard work of school staff.
Parents are encouraged to visit for information and practical guidance to help them plan for their children’s return to school.
Information and advice for parents August 2020
COVID-19 Update 8th July, 2020
DfE Guidance for what Parents and Carers need to know about schools in the Autumn term
COVID-19 Update 29th June, 2020
DfE Updated guidance June 25th for Parents/Carers on keeping children safe online
With the Home Office and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, the DfE have updated advice and guidance to help parents and carers to keep children safe online during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak to include new information on apps to help children stay safe online.
The advice and guidance on keeping children safe online can be found here:
COVID-19 Update 22nd June, 2020
Updated Risk Assessment (Version 3)
COVID-19 Update 19th June, 2020
Department for Education Updated guidance for parents and carers on educational settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
COVID-19 Update 11th June, 2020
Friday Deep Clean Closures
Please find an important letter relating to changes to arrangements from Friday 19th June, 2020 below
COVID-19 Update 10th June, 2020
Mental Health Support for Children
COVID-19 Update 10th June, 2020
Updated Risk Assessment (9th June, 2020)
Please see below our updated Risk Assessment. which has been approved by Governors.
COVID-19 Update 10th June, 2020
Frequently Asked Questions on Testing
Are education and childcare workers eligible for coronavirus testing?
Yes. If you have any of the symptoms of coronavirus, you can ask for a test through the NHS website.
If you’re an essential worker in England, Scotland or Northern Ireland, you can apply for priority testing. You can also get tested through this route if you have symptoms of coronavirus and live with an essential worker.
Are children eligible for coronavirus testing?
All children and members of their households in England have access to testing if they display symptoms of coronavirus, including children under 5. A positive test will ensure rapid action to protect other children and staff in their setting.
Tests can be accessed through the NHS website.
How will the Test and Trace programme work?
The NHS Test and Trace programme was launched on 28 May. The service will help identify, contain and control coronavirus, reduce the spread of the virus and save lives.
Anyone who tests positive for coronavirus will be contacted by NHS Test and Trace and will need to share information about their recent interactions. This could include household members, people with whom they have been in direct contact, or within 2 metres for more than 15 minutes.
People identified as having been in close contact with someone who has a positive test must stay at home for 14 days, even if they do not have symptoms, to stop unknowingly spreading the virus. Further information about Test and Trace is available.
If those in isolation develop symptoms, they can book a test on the NHS website or by calling 119. If they test positive, they must continue to stay at home for 7 days or until their symptoms have passed. If they test negative, they must complete the 14-day isolation period. Members of their household will not have to stay at home unless the person identified becomes symptomatic, at which point they must also self-isolate for 14 days to avoid unknowingly spreading the virus.
COVID-19 Information Update 29th May,2020
Launch of Government Test & Trace Service, Parents' Survey, Government Travel Advice and Risk Assessment
Launch of the NHS Test and Trace service
The new NHS Test and Trace service has launched today and will form a central part of the government’s coronavirus recovery strategy.
Anyone who tests positive for coronavirus will be contacted by NHS Test and Trace and will need to share information about their recent interactions.
People identified as having been in close contact with someone who has a positive test must stay at home for 14 days, even if they do not have symptoms, to stop unknowingly spreading the virus.
Further information on the NHS Test and Trace service can be found here:
Parents' Survey - BCC/Birmingham University
The School of Education at the University of Birmingham is currently working with Birmingham City Council to better understand the implications for education of COVID-19. As part of this BCC are currently surveying parents and carers about their experiences. BCC would be very grateful if you would complete the survey by following the link below:
Department for Transport Travel advice for Parents and Pupils.
See link below:
COVID-19 Risk Assessment (29th May, 2020)
Please find our Risk Assessment below ahead of re-opening on 1st June, 2020 for information:
COVID-19 Update 28th May, 2020
Updated Home Learning Advice for Parents and Carers Looking After Primary School Children
See link below:
COVID-19 Update 26th May, 2020
Letter from the Head Teacher
Arrangements for children of key workers/vulnerable children after June 1st
Please see the letter below
COVID-19 Update 22nd May, 2020
Safety and Protective Measures for Pupils and Staff
Dear Parents/Guardians,
In order to address some of your concerns and allow you to make a more informed decision about whether to send your Reception, Y1 or Y6 children to school, below you will see some of the precautionary measures we will be implementing to try to ensure pupils and adults in school remain as safe as possible. We are addressing all the DfE Guidance including Actions for Schools and Implementing Protective Measures in Schools, as well as having a detailed City Council Risk Assessment. The school will have had a full deep clean and additional cleaning will be undertaken daily. Utilities on site have all been checked for safety compliance.
Safety and Protective Measures for Pupils and Staff at Woodcock Hill
*Use of only the main school entrance on Farwood Rd. only.
*Polite requests for parents to adhere to social distancing on site and not enter classrooms/cloakrooms.
*One adult from a family to accompany a child onto site.
* Staff to be on gate to assist parents and ensure adherence to social distancing.
* Pupils will enter and exit classrooms from usual doors - distanced.
*Pupils are expected to wear clean uniform and have PE kit - observe distance for changing.
*Staggered start and finish to avoid pinch points:
YR 10:00 - 2:00ypm
Y1 9:30 -2:30pm
Y6 9:00 - 3:00pm
*Vulnerable / Critical Worker pupils 10.30am - 2.30pm
*Playgrounds - YR infant playground, Y1 middle playground, Y6 junior playground with staggered timings.
*Pupils working together must stay together and not mix at play or lunch.
* Playgrounds marked off with cones to separate groups.
* Morning snack as normal during staggered breaks.
*Infant lunch time as normal keeping groups separate - one group at a time in hall.
*Junior lunch time as normal keeping groups separate as above.
*Tables sanitised between each group for lunch.
*Distance markers in both halls by food hatch.
*For teaching and learning (maximum group size 10 pupils)
*YR using own room and middle room - 4 staff
*Y1 using own room and Y2 - 4 staff
*Y6 using own room Y5, Y4, and Y3 - 7 staff
*Teachers stay with their own groups for playtime - groups not to be mixed.
*DfE Guidance Posters in all classrooms and prominent areas.
*First aid at break by Teacher/Teaching Assistant from group - wear PPE as necessary.
*Curriculum will be flexible. Decided by class teacher and planned/ delivered by other teachers with groups.
*Outdoor activities encouraged (use of outdoor equipment only if it can be easily cleaned between groups - no shared equipment).
*initially pupils heath & hygeine, mental health and wellbeing is a priority - opportunities for talk time and games to instruct/remind pupils of respiratory measures.
*Regular and frequent pupil hand washing encouraged including on arrival, before and after food, avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth.
*Limited numbers of pupils in toilet areas at one time. Negotiated with other groups.
*Organised seating in class so there's space between pupils.
*Pupils will have own table and chair which remains the same each day.
*pupils will be provided with their own bag of stationary pencils, rulers, crayons etc - not to be shared.
*Work to be done on fresh paper only - not exercise books.
*Any shared equipment to be sanitised in between uses.
*No school assemblies, trips, outings or clubs including breakfast club for the time being.
*Staff provided with sanitiser, tissues and wipes in each room.
*Rooms ventilated where possible.
*Staff PPE is available for when required (1st aid, illness, personal pupil care etc).
*Vulnerable/key worker pupils from other year groups besides YR, Y1 and Y6 in Learning Centre following the same measures as above - 2 staff.
*Strict DfE protocol adhered to should anyone display symptoms. Inform Head and Deputy immediately.
The above is not an exhaustive list and some of it will duplicate guidance already issued to you but it outlines some of the main operational details at Woodcock Hill.
We hope you will find this information helpful. Please be reassured that every possible measure will be taken to keep pupils and adults safe in and around school.
With very best wishes. Stay safe,
Head Teacher
COVID-19 Update 21st May, 2020
Updated Home Learning Advice for Parents and Carers Looking After Primary School Children
Please click on the link below for more information:
COVID-19 Update 20th May, 2020
An important message from our Head Teacher about School re-opening to specific Year Groups from 1st June, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As you will know, the Government has directed schools to begin a phased re-opening for some pupils. On June 1st Woodcock Hill will be hoping to welcome back to school Reception Class, Year 1 and Year 6, as well as some vulnerable pupils and the children of key workers in other year groups who require a place.
Details of our proposed opening are set out below but please bear in mind that our school opening date may be subject to change as there is some uncertainty amongst Government and Councils. We will inform you immediately of any new developments.
We fully understand that parents will have concerns about sending their children back to school and we would like to reassure you that we will be doing everything we can to ensure the safety of all in school. We will be implementing strict protective measures following all DfE guidelines and have undertaken a detailed risk assessment. We know that you will want to help to keep pupils and adults safe on site, so we would politely ask that you follow the guidance set out below:
*Each class returning will start and finish at different times to avoid "pinch points" and reduce adult to adult contact:
Reception -10:00a.m until 2:00p.m
Year 1 - 9:30a.m until 2:30p.m
Year 6 - 9:00a.m until 3:00p.m
*Please only use the main school entrance on Farwood Road and adhere strictly to timings.
*If a child needs accompanying to school only one parent should attend.
*Pupils will enter and leave school through their usual classroom door.
*We request that parents/guardians do not enter classrooms or cloakrooms and whilst on site maintain the 2 metre social distancing rule eg. Whilst waiting on the playground at start and end of school please maintain at least a 2 metre distance from other adults.
*Under no circumstances should anyone come into school who is displaying symptoms.
*Pupils should wear clean uniform and have a PE kit.
*Adults should avoid gathering in the reception area of school and keep to the 2 metre social distancing rule.
*We have been asked to remind parents/guardians to only use the Government's recommended modes of transport and walk to school if possible.
*In order to keep pupils safe they will be working and playing in small groups, which will mean they may not be in their usual classroom or with their usual teacher.
* Break time snacks will be available and lunch will be a cold lunch initially until we are certain of pupil numbers.
*We will be implementing a raft of measures to ensure safety for pupils and staff which will be set out very soon for parents to read in a separate communication on the website, "Safety Measures for Pupils and Staff".
*Please note that the DfE Guidelines state that, "wearing a face covering or face mask in school is not recommended".
* For those year groups not yet returning we will continue to provide home learning resources on the website.
We hope the information above will help parents/guardians in navigating the school safely in these very challenging times. Start and end school times will also be sent to you via group call for your convenience.
We look forward to welcoming Reception, Y1 and Y6 pupils back to school but also understand fully that parents/guardians may have reservations. Parents will not be penalised if their child does not attend school at this time but please do let us know if you have made the decision to keep your child at home for the present (Reception, Y1 and Y6 pupils only).
With very best wishes. Keep safe,
J. Kitaratzis
COVID-19 Update 19th May, 2020
Guidance for Parents and Carers on Opening of Schools for More Pupils on June 1st
Please click on the link below
COVID-19 Update 11th May, 2020
Meals Voucher Timetable
As we are getting a number of queries, please find below a the timetable of when vouchers have been / will be distributed:
Week Number Issued by Who / Method / Date
Wk 1 - 6th April '20 VoucherShop* / Groupcall Text on 1st April '20
Wk 2 - 13th April '20 Voucher Shop* / DHT Text/email on 9th April '20
Wk 3 - 20th April '20 Edenred** / Forwarded Email / 28th April '20
Wk 4 - 27th April '20 Edenred** / Edenred Email/Posted 8th May '20
Wk 5 - 4th May '20 Edenred** / Edenred Email/Posted 8th May '20
Wk 6 - 11th May '20 Edenred** / Edenred Email/Posted 11th May '20
Wk 7 - 18th May '20 Edenred** / Edenred Email / due 18th May'20
Whitsun '20 & Beyond (To be advised)
PLEASE NOTE - Please note that if you have more than one child at our school, you may only get one text / email but the value of the voucher will be £15 x number of children (2= £30, 3 + £45 etc.)
* Initial Voucher Scheme ran over Easter'20 introduced by Birmingham City Council & delivered by Voucher Shop. Redeem at the first link below
** National Voucher Scheme since start of Spring Term 2020 introduced by DfE & delivered by Edenred. Redeem at the second link below
COVID-19 Update 10th May 2020
Wellbeing Support for Parents and Young People
with a Birmingham GP
Need someone to talk to? Struggling to cope with feelings? Pause is here for you, if you are under 25 and have a Birmingham GP.
We offer a non-judgemental listening ear, self-help strategies plus skills for managing difficult situations and feelings. We are open 10-6 seven days a week.
Drop us an email on or call
0207 8414470 and we will arrange for one of our friendly team to call you back.
For more information please click on the link below
COVID-19 Update 4th May, 2020
Help & Advice for Parents & Carers
Help for primary school children to continue their education during coronavirus (COVID-19) and advoice for parents / carars is available on the link below.
COVID-19 Updare 1st May, 2020
Families in Birmingham Online Magazine
Families Birmingham is a well-established and trusted publication which is distributed to over 200 primary schools, libraries, art galleries, doctors surgeries, nurseries, etc. Due to closures we are unable to deliver our magazines in the usual paper format.
ALSO - there are £100 worth of Amazon vouchers to be won!
COVID-19 Update 27th April, 2020
Wellbeing Support for Parents and Young People with a Birmingham GP
Need someone to talk to? Struggling to cope with feelings? Pause is here for you, if you are under 25 and have a Birmingham GP.
We offer a non-judgemental listening ear, self-help strategies plus skills for managing difficult situations and feelings. We are open 10-6 seven days a week.
Drop us an email on or call 0207 8414470 and we will arrange for one of our friendly team to call you back.
For more info check out
COVID-19 Update 23rd April, 2020
National Free School Meals Voucher Scheme Issues
Please be advised that all schools in England have experienced problems in accessing the scheme due to the volume of traffic on the site. Rest assured that we are constantly trying to get the vouchers processed for you. Please check your junk & spam folders once we have let you know they have been sent before contacting us.
Thank you for your patience.
When your voucher code comes, please click on the link below to redeem it. Please note that if you have more than one child at our school, you may only get one email but the value of the voucher will be £15 x number of children (2 = £30, 3 + £45 etc.)
COVID-19 Update 20th April, 2020
Keep in Touch: Class Teacher Contact Email Address
Parents/Guardians can contact their child(ren)'s class Teacher by emailing homework(yeargroup) for example, to contact Reception please use the email address: or for year 1 use etc.
Thank you and stay safe
COVID-19 Update 4th April, 2020
Childcare over Easter
We seek to support children’s wellbeing over Easter.
Parents / carers who are “Key Workers” who have no alternative childcare provision in place should email our Deputy Head Teacher (Mr. Paine) directly at stating what their need is.
The Department for Education coronavirus helpline is available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline as follows:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday). 10am to 4pm (Saturday to Sunday)
More information on what support is available is given in the document below.
COVID-19 Update - 1st April, 2020 -
School have now received guidance on the Government's scheme. We have sent a Groupcall text message to Parents / Carers eligible Pupils.
In order to access the scheme, we will need a contact email address. Please your contact email address is by sending your Child / Children's name(s) to us at:
Once you have your codes, please follow the instructions on the document below. PLEASE NOTE - When selecting amounts please select: Denomination £5 and a total amount of £15 in the next box to ensure you get your full allocation
Parent support line details
COVID-19 - Safe Internet Use
As pupils are now using the Internet more than ever for home learning we must, as adults, try to ensure they stay safe online and be extra vigilant. We would encourage parents to look at the UK Safer Internet Centre website for hints and tips. The website link below has useful resources for families and young people
COVID-19 - Home Learning Resources
Please be mindful that there are a number of scams coming through on Social Media and email. We urge you to not make contact with any organisation offering a scheme unless you hear about it from us.
Each Class has uploaded lots of home learning resources to access these please go to our Pupils / Class Pages section (or click on the link below)
Thank you for your patience and stay safe.