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Woodcock Hill Primary School

Motivate, Educate, Achieve

Year 1

Welcome to Year One!

 We are mighty and marvellous learners in Year One with Mrs Summerfield and Mrs Evans.

Memory Box


Our Autumn 1 topic is Memory Box. We explore how we have changed since we were babies, our senses and how the past is different to now. We even celebrate our own class wedding! 

Paws, Claws and Whiskers


Our Autumn 2 topic is Paws, Claws and Whiskers!

Soft fur, sharp claws and twitching whiskers. What’s your favourite animal? One that meows? One that barks? Or maybe one that scurries or slithers? From pets at home to animals in the zoo,  we will observe draw and recreate animals as we find out all about them!

Bright Lights, Big City


Our Topic for Spring 2 term is Bright Lights, Big City!

Get ready to explore London! What do you know about our capital city? Let's find out about London, meet the Queen and her royal family and explore the exciting history of the Great Fire Of London.

Splendid Skies


Our Spring 2 topic is Splendid Skies!

We develop our knowledge of the our world by observing, identifying and measuring features of weather - both everyday and extreme!

Year One Spring Term Homework

Dinosaur Planet


Our Summer 1 topic is Dinosaur Planet!

We will learn about the amazing world of dinosaurs and fossils and the amazing discoveries palaeontologists have made.

Year One Summer Term Homework

The Enchanted Woodland


Our Summer 2 topic is The Enchanted Woodland!

We observe and identify animals and plants, understand seasonal changes and appreciate the wonder of the woodland.

If you would like any more information about how to support you child in any of these topics then just email:


It is always a pleasure to see your child's home learning so just take a picture and email it so we can share it in class!
